Sunday, November 30, 2008


FYI. I start a new job tomorrow.
I'm working at the Dramatists Guild in the office.
It's been a little while since I've had an office job, and I've grown rather used to the lifestyle that I've been leading...but, let me tell you, the idea of getting health insurance and a these times, it sounds pretty good.
But, then, that means I have to be there. And that's the part I don't like so much.
It's not the work, that'll be interesting. It's definitely the showing up I don't like.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night...

After voting...I went to Rockefeller Center to watch the results.

I brought the wife.

And a few others came along.

The Center was lit up like a big one got more went higher...Obama in blue, McCain in Red.

And over the course of the evening...

And it also got a little chilly.... kept climbing higher...

Until finally...

And then...


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I voted.


Holy crap.
I couldn't sleep last night.
It's like Christmas morning...but you won't know what you got until like Ohio and Florida stop voting.
Now, I guess I had better go stand in a line.